All abstracts by Alexey Travin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Stages of Tectonothermal History of the Taimyr – Severnaya Zemlya Orogen during Oblique Collision in the Carboniferous-PermianVernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Proskurnin V, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Travin A
(2019) Ediacaran Magmatism in the Evolution of the Transform Active Continental Margin of the Siberian Craton: Geochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamics
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P, Li Z-X, Wilde S, Romanova I & Travin A