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All abstracts by Min Song in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Integrating Monte Carlo into Noble Gas Production Models; It’s Time to Stop Rolling the Dice
Warr O, Song M, Higgins PM & Sherwood Lollar B

(2023) Novel Isotopic Techniques to Investigate the Deep Subsurface Acetate Cycle
Mueller EP, Panehal J, Hansen CT, Song M, Boettger J, Heuer VB, Warr O, Bach W, Hinrichs K-U, Eiler J, Orphan V, Sherwood Lollar B & Sessions AL

(2023) Hydrogeological Controls on Microbial Activity in Continental Crust
Song M, Warr O, Telling J & Sherwood Lollar B

(2019) Transformations of Dissolved Petroleum Compounds at a Natural Asphalt Seep in the Gulf of Mexico
Brünjes J, Seidel M, Gan S, Song M, Dittmar T & Schubotz F

(2019) Examining Pathways of Hydrocarbon Gas Generation in Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Sediments
Song M, Schubotz F, Kellermann MY, Hansen CT, Bach W, Teske AP & Hinrichs K-U

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