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All abstracts by Kwon Rausis in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Enhanced Weathering and Mineralization: Negative Emissions or CO2 Avoidance?
Rausis K, Power I, Paulo C, Lockhart JA, Bates B & Thompson K

(2023) Enhanced Weathering of Kimberlite Residues in Soils: Effects on CO2 Fluxes and Drainage Chemistry
Schaffer ZR, Rausis K, Power I & Paulo C

(2023) The Influence of Humidity and CO2 Supply on Calcium Oxide Looping: Implications for Passive Direct Air Capture
Dostie L, Rausis K & Power I

(2022) Passive and Enhanced CO2 Sequestration Rates at Diamond Mines Determined from Field Experiments: Results from Project CarbonVault
Paulo C, Power I, Rausis K, Stubbs AR, Dostie L, Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson SA, Vietti A, May H, Ndlovu S & Senzani K

(2022) Atmospheric CO2 Removal Rates Using Magnesium Oxide Powder
Rausis K, Stubbs AR, Power I & Paulo C

(2022) Enhanced Weathering Rates of Kimberlite Residues: Insights from Field and Laboratory Studies
Schaffer ZR, Rausis K, Power I & Paulo C

(2019) Experimental Evidence for Direct Gas-Solid Carbonation of Enstatite: Implications for CO2 Sequestration in Early Mars
Rausis K & Casanova I

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