All abstracts by Leja Rovan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Uranium and Strontium Isotopes in Recent and Interglacial Tufa in Krka National Park (Croatia)Lojen S, Zuliani T, Rovan L, Horvat B, Kanduč T, Vreča P, Jamil Q & Štrok M
(2021) Hydrogeochemical Impact on the Karst Watershed of the Krka River in Slovenia Interpreted by U and Th Isotopic Composition
Rovan L, Lojen S, Zuliani T, Horvat B & Štrok M
(2019) Non-Traditional Isotopes as Tracers of Water-Rock Interactions in a Complex Karst Aquifer: Case Study of Ljubljanica, Slovenia
Lojen S, Rovan L, Zuliani T, Kanduč T, Štrok M, Petrič M & Rusjan S