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All abstracts by Manuel D. Menzel in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Listvenites and Listwaenites – A Review of Controlling Factors and Feedback Processes Allowing Complete Peridotite Carbonation
Menzel MD, Sieber MJ & Godard M

(2023) Modulated Redox Capacity of Serpentinite-Derived Fluids
Padrón-Navarta JA, Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino V, Menzel MD, Gómez-Pugnaire MT & Garrido CJ

(2022) Deep Sourced Fluids for Peridotite Carbonation in the Shallow Mantle Wedge
de Obeso JC, Kelemen P, Leong JA, Menzel MD, Manning C, Godard M, Cai Y & Bolge L

(2022) Mantle Wedge Oxidation due to Sediment-Infiltrated Deserpentinisation
Padrón-Navarta JA, Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino V, Menzel MD, Gómez-Pugnaire MT & Garrido CJ

(2022) Coupling of Reactive Fluid Flow and Deformation during Carbonation of Peridotite at the Base of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Menzel MD, Urai JL, Ukar E, Decrausaz T, Godard M & Kelemen P

(2019) Carbonate Stability during Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones – Insights from Open System Thermodynamic Modeling
Menzel MD, Garrido CJ & López Sánchez-Vizcaíno V

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