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All abstracts by Tamsin A. Mather in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) End-Triassic – Early Jurassic LIP Activity Reconstructed Using High-Resolution Hg Data from the New ICDP Prees Core, UK
Neilson O, Fendley IM, Frieling J, Mather TA, Hesselbo SP, Jenkyns HC, Ullmann CV & Leng MJ

(2024) Assessment and Application of Hg Speciation Changes in Sedimentary Rocks from Thermal Desorption Characteristics
Frieling J, Fendley IM, Nawaz MA, Mather TA & Svensen HH

(2024) New Constraints on Sources of Carbon and Mercury to Environment from Large Igneous Province Volcanism
Mather TA, Frieling J, Fendley IM, Indraswari AO, Jones MT, Svensen HH & Xu W

(2024) Early Jurassic Large Igneous Province Carbon Emissions Constrained by Sedimentary Mercury
Fendley I, Frieling J, Mather TA, Ruhl M, Hesselbo SP & Jenkyns HC

(2023) Natural and Artificial Thermal Maturation: Effect on Mercury Distributions in Lower Jurassic Organic-Rich Sediments
Indraswari AO, Frieling J, Mather TA, Dickson AJ, Idiz E, Jenkyns HC & Robinson SA

(2023) Geochemical Evidence for Shear Heating, Slab Melting, and Slab Melt Channelization in the South Andean Subduction Zone
Turner SJ, Mather TA, Pyle D, Savov IP, Hammerstrom A, Barry PH, Bekaert DV & Hudak MR

(2023) The Role of Volcanism in Catalysing Rapid Global Warming Events of the Early Eocene: Evidence from Mercury Records
Green CE, Dickson AJ, Mather TA, Frieling J, van den Boorn SHJM, van der Ploeg R, Grimes ST, Davies M & Hollis CJ

(2023) No Volcanic Trigger for Late Cambrian Carbon Cycle Perturbations?
Frieling J, Mather TA, Fendley IM, Bergquist BA, Cheng K, Jenkyns HC, Zhao Z, Dahl TW, Nielsen AT & Dickson AJ

(2023) Orbitally Forced Variability in Early Jurassic Mercury Deposition
Fendley IM, Neilson O, Frieling J, Robinson SA, Mather TA, Jenkyns HC & Weedon GP

(2023) What can Sulfur Isotope Ratios Measured in Melt Inclusions Tell us About the Subduction Zone Sulfur Cycle?
Taracsak Z, Mather TA, Pyle D, Plank T, Ding S, Peccia A & Aiuppa S

(2022) The Role of Volcanism in Global-Scale Climate Cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Green CE, Dickson AJ, Mather TA & Frieling J

(2022) Volatile Trace Element Emissions from Magmatic Degassing and Lava-Water Interaction during the 2021 Cumbre Vieja Eruption, La Palma
Liu EJ, Edmonds M, Ilyinskaya E, Mather TA, Wood KT, Hammond SJ, Jenner FE, Hernandez PA, Pankhurst MJ & Perez Rodriguez N

(2021) Insights into the Magmatic Processes, Volatiles and Environmental Impacts Through the Life Cycle of Large Igneous Province Volcanism
Mather TA, Black B, Karlstrom L, Schmidt A & Percival L

(2021) Determining the Style and Provenance of Magmatic Activity during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)
Percival L, Tedeschi LR, Creaser R, Bottini C, Erba E, Giraud F, Svensen H, Savian J, Trindade R, Coccioni R, Frontalini F, Jovane L, Mather TA & Jenkyns H

(2021) The Role of Volcanism in Global-Scale Climate Cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Green CE, Dickson A, Mather TA, Grimes ST & van den Boorn SHJM

(2020) The Subduction Recycling of Halogens: Insights from the Shallow and Deep Mantle
Jones R, Burgess R, Walowski K, Mather T & Ballentine C

(2020) Multiple S Isotopes and Hg Geochemistry at the Terrestrial Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction
Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Chu D, Wignall PB, Zerkle AL, Claire M, Di Rocco T, He T, Mather TA, Mills BJW, Jamieson RA & Tong J

(2019) Are Mercury Anomalies a Reliable Proxy for LIP Volcanism? Examples from the End-Permian and Early Triassic
Jones M, Turner H, Hammer Ø, Bucher H, Schneebeli-Hermann E, Mather T, Svensen H & Planke S

(2019) Sedimentary Markers of Ocean Plateau Volcanism during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Percival L, Tedeschi L, Creaser R, van Helmond N, Snoeck C, Debaille V, Mattielli N, Bottini C, Erba E, Goderis S, Mather T, Jenkyns H & Claeys P

(2019) Aerosol Chemistry of the 2018 Kīlauea Lower East Rift Zone Eruption – From Source to Exposed Communities
Mason E, Ilyinskaya E, Whitty RCW, Wieser P, Liu E, Edmonds M, Mather T, Elias T, Nadeau P, Kern C, Schneider DJ & Oppenheimer C

(2019) Mercury Enrichment Associated with Local Volcanism: A Triassic Example Relevant to LIPs
Whiteside J, Nayee J, Percival L, Irmis R, Mather T, Mancuso A & Benavente C

(2019) Evaluating the Source of the Mercury Spike at the p-T Boundary
Dal Corso J, Chu D, Mills BJW, Newton RJ, Tong J, Mather TA, Shu W, Wu Y & Wignall PB

(2019) Boron Systematics in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions Indicate a Deep-Slab Source for Volatiles in Southern Chile, and Magma-Forearc Interaction
Mather T, Turner S, Savov I & Pyle D

(2019) Evidence for Global Control of Boron Isotopes in Arc Magmas by Fore-Arc Interaction during Magmatic Ascent
Turner S, Savov I, Mather T & Pyle D

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