All abstracts by Andrey Gurenko in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Mantle Heterogeneity and Crustal Processes Preserved in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Central Indian Ridge at 16.5°SIm S, Park J-W, Kim J, Choi S, Gurenko A & Choi S
(2023) Reactive Porous Flow in Deep Crustal Mushes, and Early Evolution of Primitive Magmas in a Continental Rift: The Oldoinyo Lengai Volcanic Area Example
Mourey A, France L, Ildefonse B, Gurenko A & Laporte D
(2023) Erta Ale Volcano (Afar, Ethiopia) Plumbing System Architecture, Magma Source and Differentiation Series
Pin J, Chazot G, France L, Abily B, Gurenko A & Bertrand H
(2022) Sr Isotopes and Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions from ~260 Ma Song Da Komatiites, Northern Vietnam, Reveal Evidence of Component Mixing and Water Excess in their Parental Melt
Kazzy C, Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Gurenko A, Asafov EV, Hanski E, Puchtel IS, Izokh AE, Batanova VG & Danyushevsky L
(2022) First Data on Sr Isotopes in Melt Inclusions in Olivine from 3.3 Ga Barberton Komatiites: Evidence for Depleted Source of Primary Komatiite Melt and its Near-Surface Contamination
Chugunov AV, Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Batanova VG, Asafov EV, Gurenko A & Danyushevsky L
(2021) Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements by Multi-Collector Large-Geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Peres P, Bouden N, Villeneuve J, Marrocchi Y, Deloule E, Füri E, Gurenko A, Piani L, Thomassot E & Fernandes F
(2021) First in situ Analyses of Nitrogen in Primitive Subduction-Related Melts
Füri E, Portnyagin MV, Mironov N, Deligny C, Gurenko A, Botcharnikov R & Holtz F
(2019) Low-SiO2 Melt Inclusions in Olivine Originate by Dehydration of Initially H2O-Rich Island-Arc Melts
Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Gurenko A, Almeev R, Luft C & Holtz F
(2019) Oxygen Isotopes in Olivine from Primitive Icelandic Tholeiites Reveal Crust-Magma Interaction
Gurenko A & Sigurdsson I
(2019) CO2-flush, Volatile with Subduction Flavor, and Plumbing System Architecture at a Continental Rift Segment
Bonnet R, France L, Jannot S, Schiano P, Gurenko A, Baudouin C, Devidal J-L & Caumon M-C
(2018) Lithium and Boron Concentrations and Isotopes of the Lunar Volcanic Glasses
Saal A, Chaussidon M, Gurenko A & Rutherford M
(2018) Deep Mantle H2O Recycling at 3.3 Ga?
Sobolev A, Asafov E, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Krasheninnikov S, Wilson A & Byerly G
(2017) Primitive Melts and Mantle Sources of the Cameroon Volcanic Line Based on Melt Inclusion Geochemistry
van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Suh CE, Gurenko AA, Ngwa CN, Devey CW & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2017) Making Earth’s Continental Crust from Serpentinite and Basalt
Borisova A, Zagrtdenov N, Toplis M, Bohrson W, Nedelec A, Safonov O, Pokrovski G, Ceuleneer G, Melnik O, Bychkov A, Gurenko A, Shcheka S, Terehin A, Polukeev V, Varlamov D, Gouy S & De Parseval P
(2017) Characterization of Volatile Contents in Primitive Magmas of an Active Carbonatitic Volcanic Complex (Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania)
Mourey A, France L, Laporte D & Gurenko A
(2017) Origin of Volatiles Emitted by Plinian Basaltic Eruptions of the Chikurachki Volcano, Kurile Arc, Russia
Gurenko A, Belousov A, Kamenetsky V & Zelenski M
(2017) Water in the 2.7 Ga Belingwe Komatiite Magma Inferred from the Melt Inclusions in Olivine
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schonberg D & Krasheninnikov S
(2016) A Hydrous Mantle Reservoir in the Paleoarchean?
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Krasheninnikov S, Wilson A & Byerly G
(2016) Reconstructing the O Isotope Composition of Precambrian Oceans
Tartese R, Chaussidon M, Gurenko A, Delarue F & Robert F
(2016) Evidence for Neoarchean Hydrous Deep-Mantle Reservoir Provided by Abitibi Komatiites
Sobolev A, Asafov E, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schoenberg D & Krasheninnikov S
(2015) Recovering Initial CO2 Content of Island-Arc Magmas from Experimental Homogenization of Melt Inclusions in Olivine at High H2O Pressure
Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Gurenko A, Hoernle K & Holtz F
(2015) O Isotope Analysis of Kerogen by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Tartèse R, Chaussidon M, Gurenko A & Robert F
(2015) Elevated H2O and Cl Contents in Komatiite Melts from Abitibi and Belingwe
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Arndt N & Batanova V
(2015) Oxygen Isotopes in the Gorgona Komatiites: Confirmation of Magmatic Origin of H2O
Gurenko A, Kamenetsky V & Kerr A
(2014) Basaltic Cannibalism in Iceland
Feineman M, LaFemina P, Brounce M, Cappos M & Gurenko A
(2013) Magmatic Digestion of the Crust and the Origin of Silicic Magmas in Iceland: Insights from Partially Melted Crustal Xenoliths
Gurenko A, Bindeman I & Sigurdsson I
(2013) Magmas Going Through Icelandic Crustal Filter
Bindeman I, Gurenko A & Sobolev A
(2013) Evidence for Chondritic Lunar Water and Nitrogen Trapped in Apollo 17 Volcanic Glasses
Füri E, Marty B, Deloule E & Gurenko A
(2009) Subduction-Related B and H Isotope Fractionations Across the Mariana Arc – Consequences for Recycling
Shaw A, Hauri E, Stern R, Hawkins J & Gurenko A
(2009) B Isotope Composition of Gorgona Komatiites: Do Melt Inclusions Support a Subduction-Related Origin?
Gurenko A, Kamenetsky V, Sobolev A & Kerr A
(2007) Oxygen Isotope Heterogeneity and Disequilibria of Olivine Phenocrysts in Large Volume Basalts: Case of Iceland
Bindeman I, Gurenko A, Sigmarsson O & Chaussidon M
(2006) Petrology and geochemistry of East-African kamafugites: constraints from inclusions in minerals
Gurenko A & Sobolev A
(2004) Magma Chamber Processes Recorded in Gabbro Xenoliths from Midfell (SW Iceland)
Gurenko A & Sobolev A
(2002) SIMS Study of 11B/10B in Immiscible Borosilicate Glasses
Gurenko A, Veksler I, Thomas R, Meixner A, Dorfman A & Dingwell D