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All abstracts by Yunguo Li in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Ab Initio Evaluation of Point Defects in Bridgmanite Under Lower Mantle Conditions
Dou P, Brodholt J, Vočadlo L, Ni H & Li Y

(2024) Ab Initio Study of Diffusion Mechanism of Water in Silicate Melt
Li Y, Wang H, Guo X, Zhang L & Ni H

(2023) Martian Core-Mantle Differentiation Conditions Constrained by FeO Partitioning
Li Y, Li C-H, Zhou Y, Liu Y & Ni H

(2021) Superionic Iron-Hydrogen Alloys in Earth's Inner Core
Wang W, Li Y, Brodholt J, Vočadlo L, Walter MJ & Wu Z

(2020) Water Partitioning between Liquid Iron and Silicate Melt
Li Y, Vočadlo L, Sun T & Brodholt J

(2019) Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Investigation of SiO2 Precipitation in Earth’s Core
Huang D, Badro J, Brodholt J & Li Y

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