All abstracts by Lora Jovanovic in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) On a Radiolytic Origin of Red Organics at the Surface of the Arrokoth Trans-Neptunian ObjectQuirico E, Bacmann A, Wolters C, Auge B, Flandinet L, Launois T, Cooper JF, Vuitton V, Gautier T, Jovanovic L, Boduch P, Rothard H, Desage L, Faure A, Schmitt B, Poch O, Grundy WM, Protopapa S, Fornasier S, Cruikshank DP & Stern AS
(2019) FTIR Quantification of the Functional C Groups in Coals and Extraterrestrial Kerogens: A Calibration Procedure
Phan VTH, Beck P, Carrasco N, Gautier T, Jovanovic L, Le Brech Y & Quirico E