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All abstracts by Jérémy Guignard in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Characteristics and Evolution of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body
Quitté G, Néri A, Monnereau M, Guignard J & Toplis MJ

(2021) Global Approach Toward a Better Understanding of Acapulcoites and Lodranites: Petrological, Chemical, Isotopic Constraints and Modeling of the Formation Processes
Quitté G, Néri A, Guignard J, Toplis M & Monnereau M

(2021) Modelling of Chromite and Magnesiochromite Solubility in Silicate Melts at High Temperatures
Zagrtdenov NR, Toplis MJ, Borisova AY & Guignard J

(2021) Is There a Global Carbonate Layer in the Oceanic Mantle?
Hammouda T, Manthilake G, Goncalves P, Chantel J, Guignard J, Crichton W & Gaillard F

(2019) Convection-Assisted Metal Segregation in Early Accreted Planetesimals
Néri A, Monnereau M, Guignard J, Toplis M & Quitté G

(2018) Nickel Isotopic Fractionation between Metal and Silicate: Insights from Theoretical Approaches
Méheut M, Connétable D, Guignard J & Quitté G

(2017) Nickel Isotopes as a Tracer of Planetary Differentiation Processes?
Quitté G, Poitrasson F & Guignard J

(2017) Metal-Silicate Isotope Fractionation Experiments to Constrain Planetesimals Differentiation
Guignard J, Quitté G, Toplis M & Poitrasson F

(2014) Textural Properties of Opaque Phases in H-Chondrites as a Measure of Thermal Metamorphism
Guignard J, Toplis M, Monnereau M & Bystricky M

(2007) Textural Evolution of Metal and Sulphide in H-Chondrites: Constraining Parent-Body Structure
Toplis M, Guignard J, Baratoux D & Monnereau M

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