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All abstracts by Feng-Hsin Hsu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Hydrothermal Discharge in Near-Surface Sediments and its Effects on Geochemistry of Pore Fluids and Sediments from the Southernmost Okinawa Trough and the Shallow Margin off Northern Taiwan
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lin Y-S, Lee H-F & Chen S-C

(2021) Geochemical Characteristics of Sediment-Pore Water Systems Associated with Hydrothermal Activity at South Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Lee H-F, Lin Y-S, Wu C, Chu M-F, Chen S-C & Wang Y

(2020) Geochemical Characteristics of Sediments and Massive Sulfides from Sediment-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems at South Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lee H-F, Jiang W-T, Chen S-C, Chen J-E & Wang Y-S

(2019) Study of Ra-226 and Excess Pb-210 in Hydrothermally Altered Sediments in the Southern Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Wang C-C, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lee H-F, Lan T, Chen S-C, Chen J-E & Wang Y-S

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