All abstracts by Gérard Gruau in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Hydrologically Driven Changes in Soil Solution DOM Molecular Composition during Storm EventsDenis M, Jeanneau L, Gruau G, Petitjean P, Liotaud M, Murzeau A & Yonnet L
(2017) Riverbank as Major Control of Trace Metal Flux between River and Wetland: Role of Ferric Deposits
Ratié G, Vantelon D, Davranche M & Gruau G
(2015) Complexation of As(III) by Organic Matter: Model Highlights Thiol Groups Implications
Catrouillet C, Davranche M, Dia A, Bouhnik Le Coz M & Gruau G
(2014) NanoSIMS Investigation of Arsenic (Oxy)anions, Sulfur, Ferric Oxide and Organic Matter Colocalization within Wetland Soil
Al-Sid-Cheikh M, Pédrot M, Dia A, Davranche M, Gruau G & Delhaye T
(2011) Competition between Lanthanides and Al for Humic Acid Binding
Marsac R, Davranche M, Gruau G & Dia A
(2011) Key Impact of Soil (Fe/Organic C) Ratio on REE Shallow Groundwater Patterns
Pédrot M, Dia A, Davranche M & Gruau G
(2007) An Innovative Tool for in situ Monitoring of Fe and Associated Trace Metal Mobilization in Soils
Fakih M, Davranche M, Dia A, Petitjean P, Châtellier X & Gruau G
(2005) Export of DOM by Rivers: Assessing the Relative Effects of Climate Change and Human Activities Using Long-Term Records
Gruau G & Jardé E
(2005) The Coprostanol/sterol Ratio as Indicator of Organic Matter Provenance in Soils and Rivers
Jardé E, Gruau G & Mansuy-Huault L
(2005) Organo-Colloidal Control on Trace-Element Distribution in Shallow Groundwaters: Fingerprinting by Ultracentrifugal Cells
Dia A, Morin E, Pourret O, Gruau G, Davranche M & Henin O
(2005) Mechanisms of Organic Matter and Rare Earth Element Release in Soils: Experimental Evidence
Grybos M, Gruau G & Davranche M
(2005) Organic Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Natural Waters: Comparing Speciation Models and Ultrafiltration Experiments
Pourret O, Gruau G, Davranche M & Dia A
(2005) Investigation of Iron Oxyhydroxides Reduction and Associated Metals Release in Soils Using an in situ Iron-Coated Support
Davranche M, Vogt L, Dia A, Gruau G & Nowack B
(2004) Dissolved Organic Matter Characterization: A Challenge to Understand Trace Metal Distribution in Surface Waters
Dia A, Dufaud F, Gruau G, Grybos M & Henin O
(2004) Impact of Organic Complexation on Ce(III) Oxidation and REE Adsorption onto Mn and Fe Oxides
Gruau G, Davranche M, Pourret O & Dia A
(2000) The Effects of Organic Matter and Seasonal Redox Dynamics on Chemical Weathering: Constraints from Natural Wetland Studies
Gruau G, Dia A, Olivie-Lauquet G & Serrat E