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My Goldschmidt

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All abstracts by Jianfang Chen in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Behavior of Stable Tungsten Isotopes on the Earth’s Surface
Yang R, Li T, Stubbs D, Chen T, Liu S, Kemp DB, Li W, Yang S, Chen J, Elliott T, Dellwig O, Chen J & Li G

(2019) Monsoon and ENSO Regulated Biological Pump in the South China Sea Based on Long-Term Sediment Trap Mooring
Chen J & Wiesner M

(2019) Enhancement of Mesopelagic Sinking Particle Fluxes due to Upwelling, Aerosol Deposition, and Monsoonal Influences in the Northwestern South China Sea
Zhang J, Li H, Xuan J, Wu Z, Yang Z, Wiesner MG & Chen J

(2019) Asymmetric Response of Sinking Biogenic Flux to ENSO Oscillation in the Central South China Sea
Li H, Chen J, Wiesner MG, Zhang J, Wu Z & Ran L

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