All abstracts by Nancy Avalos in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) 70-Year-Old Concrete from a Hanford Nuclear Waste Storage Tank: Material Properties and Radionuclide AccumulationSaslow SA, Avalos N, Anguish R, Cordova E, Snyder MM, Asmussen M & Smith GL
(2024) Enhancing Iodine Retention in Cementitious Waste Forms with Silver Getters
Bourchy A, Lawter A, Fujii Yamagata A, Saslow SA, Avalos N, Wang G, Silverstein JR, Smith GL & Asmussen M
(2019) Impact of Ettringite Kinetics and Mineralogy on Tc-99 and I-129 Immobilization in Cementious Waste Forms
Gillispie E, Avalos N & Saslow S