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All abstracts by Ronen Alkalay in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Radium Isotope Study in Lake Kivu: Implications to the Travel Time of Sub-Lacustrine Hydrothermal Discharge
Weinstein Y, Alkalay R, Mugisha A & Mudakikwa E

(2023) Dissolved Trace Metals, Rare Earth Elements and Pb Isotopes in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Benaltabet T, Lapid G, Alkalay R, Weinstein Y, Steffens T, Achterberg EP & Torfstein A

(2022) Dissolved Trace Metals and Pb and Th Isotope Dynamics between the Continental Shelf and the Deep and Warm Ultraoligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean
Torfstein A, Benaltabet T, Lapid G, Alkalay R, Steffens T, Achterberg EP & Weinstein Y

(2019) Carbon Export and Drivers in the Southeastern Levantine Basin
Alkalay R, Weinstein Y, Zlatkin O, Bar T, Herut B, Berman-Frank I & Katz T

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