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All abstracts by Jordan Wostbrock in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Mass Independent Signals from Sulfur and Oxygen in Constraining Atmospheric Oxygen Since the Great Oxidation Event
Liu J, Ji A, Kasting J, Wostbrock J, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ

(2024) Probing the Origins of Sub-Arc Copper-Rich Cumulates Through Direct Analysis of Osmium and Oxygen Isotopes
Tassara S, Ague J, Keller DS, Rooney A, Wostbrock J, Axler J & Tardani D

(2023) Impact of Diagenesis on Carbonate Triple Oxygen Isotope Values in the Clino Core from the Great Bahama Bank
Wostbrock J, Swart P & Oehlert A

(2022) Carbonate Triple Oxygen Isotope Values during the Shuram Carbon Isotope Excursion
Wostbrock J & Planavsky NJ

(2021) Identifying Diagenesis in Phanerozoic Carbonates Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes
Wostbrock J, Sharp Z & Brand U

(2018) Triple Oxygen Isotope Fractionation of Calcite
Wostbrock J, Sharp Z, Brand U, Atudorei V & Coplen T

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