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All abstracts by Michael Weber in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Inter-Laboratory Comparison of a Potential Reference Material for U/Th Geochronometry by MC-ICPMS
Hasozbek A, Jimenez-Barredo F, Mertz-Kraus R, Weber M, Scholz D, Sharifi A, Pourmand A, Lauritzen SE, M. Pares J & Constantin S

(2021) Sr and O Isotope Analyses Reveal Late Cretaceous Shark Teeth in Iron Age Strata of Jerusalem
Tütken T, Weber M, Zohar I, Helmy H, Bourgon N, Lernau O, Jochum KP & Sisma-Ventura G

(2020) Controlled Feeding Experiments of Rodents to Determine Intra-Population 87Sr/86Sr, δ88Sr and δ44Ca Variability of Hard and Soft Tissues
Weber M, Leichliter J, Lugli F, Jochum KP, Clauss M & Tütken T

(2020) Diagenetic Stability of Ca, Mg, Zn, and Sr Isotopes in Teeth – An in Vitro Alteration Experiment of Biogenic Apatite in Isotopically Enriched Tracer Solution
Weber K, Weber M, Menneken M, Kral AG, Mertz-Kraus R, Geisler T, Vogl J & Tütken T

(2020) LA-MC-ICP-MS Sr Isotope Analysis of Speleothems – Choosing the Right Reference Material
Weber M, Scholz D, Mertz-Kraus R & Jochum KP

(2019) Sr Isotope Incorporation in Soft Tissues and Enamel of Rodents – Controlled Feeding Experiments
Weber M, Leichliter J, Lugli F, Jochum KP, Clauss M & Tütken T

(2018) High-Resolution Sr Isotope Data of Speleothems by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Weber M, Scholz D, Wassenburg J, Jochum KP, Deininger M, Waltgenbach S, Breitenbach SFM, Hoffmann DL, Richter D & Plessen B

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