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All abstracts by Clemens V. Ullmann in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) End-Triassic – Early Jurassic LIP Activity Reconstructed Using High-Resolution Hg Data from the New ICDP Prees Core, UK
Neilson O, Fendley IM, Frieling J, Mather TA, Hesselbo SP, Jenkyns HC, Ullmann CV & Leng MJ

(2019) Middle to Late Jurassic Climate Changes in the Germanic Basin – δ18O and δ13C of Calcite Fossils
Hougaard IW, Vickers ML, Ullmann C, Schweigert G, Hostettler B, Franz M, Kutz M, Frederiksen JA & Korte C

(2019) Ocean Acidification during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Early Jurassic) – A Kill Mechanism?
Klein T, Meixner A, Ullmann CV, Duarte LV, Wood RA & Kasemann SA

(2018) A High-Precision Numerical Time Scale for the Toarcian Stage: Implications for Timing of the Marine Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (TOAE) and Karoo-Ferrar Volcanism
Ruhl M, Hesselbo SP, Xu W, Thibault N, Jenkyns HC, Mac Niocaill C, Riding JB & Ullmann CV

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