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All abstracts by Santiago Tassara in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Probing the Origins of Sub-Arc Copper-Rich Cumulates Through Direct Analysis of Osmium and Oxygen Isotopes
Tassara S, Ague J, Keller DS, Rooney A, Wostbrock J, Axler J & Tardani D

(2023) From a Fertile Mantle Source to Epithermal Deposits: Tracing the Flux of Precious Metals Across the Lithosphere
Tassara S, Rooney A, Ague J, Guido D, Reich M, Barra F & Navarrete C

(2019) Minor and Trace Elements Fingerprints on Spinels of Mantle Xenoliths from North and South America
Colás V, Dávalos-Elizondo MG, Tassara S, González-Jiménez JM, Aranda-Gómez JJ & Schilling M

(2018) Sulfur XANES Investigation of Upper Mantle Metasomatic Apatite
Tassara S, Reich M, Konecke B, González Jiménez J-M, Fiege A, Simon A, Morata D & Barra F

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