All abstracts by Nicole X. Nie in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Volatile Depletion in Planetary Bodies: Insights from K and Rb IsotopesNie NX
(2024) High Precision Analysis of Potassium Stable Isotopes Using the Collision/Reaction Cell Neoma MC-ICPMS/MS
Nie NX, Grigoryan R & Tissot FLH
(2024) Accretion of the Earliest Inner Solar System Planetesimals Beyond the Water-Snowline
Grewal DS, Nie NX, Zhang B, Izidoro A & Asimow PD
(2018) Inter-Mineral Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Fractionation Factors from a Special Metamorphic Rock
Nie NX, Dauphas N, Sio CK & Spear FS
(2018) Triple Iron Isotope Variations in Archean Ocean Sediments
Heard A, Dauphas N, Rouxel O & Nie N