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All abstracts by Janie Masse-Dufresne in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Re-source: Geochemistry Assessment, Impact of Soil Type and Land Use Land Cover (LULC) on Water Quality at Regional Scale of Monteregie
Despaux D, Barbecot F, Masse-Dufresne J & Gillon M

(2024) Deciphering River Baseflow Age Distribution Through Environmental and Artificial Tracing Experiments in a Partially Ice-Covered River (Quebec, Canada)
Picard A, Barbecot F, Corcho Alvarado JA, Purtschert R, Solomon DK, Masse-Dufresne J, Bouakline B & El-Azhari A

(2024) Assessing Managed Recharge Potential and Water Resource Vulnerability: A Large-Scale Analysis of Infiltration and Runoff Utilizing the IDPR Method in South Quebec
Müller C, Horoi V, Masse-Dufresne J, Therrien R & Barbecot F

(2021) Timing of Flood-Water Inputs to a Lake Revealed by Transient Stable Isotope Mass Balance Modelling
Masse-Dufresne J, Barbecot F, Baudron P & Gibson J

(2018) Recovery Dynamics of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions Following an Intense Flooding Event at a 2-Lake Bank Filtration Site
Masse-Dufresne J, Baudron P, Barbecot F, Marcotte D, Proteau-Bédard F, Patenaude M, Pontoreau C & Delestre M

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