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All abstracts by Philipp Gleißner in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Contamination Pathways and Remediation Strategies in a Thallium-Contaminated Geological Environment (Valdicastello Carducci Area, Tuscany, Italy)
Ferrari M, Bragagni A, Biagioni C, Schannor M, Gleissner P, Wombacher F, Conticelli S, Natali C & Tommasini S

(2023) Origin of the Volatile Element Depletion in CR and CV Carbonaceous Chondrites and their Components
Regnault M, Florin G, Gleißner P, John T & Becker H

(2023) Siderophile Volatile Element Inventory of Apollo 17 high-Ti Mare Basalts: Assessing the Influence of Fractional Crystallization and Magmatic Degassing
Kallnik N, Gleissner P & Becker H

(2023) Siderophile Volatile Element Inventory of Lunar Low-Ti Mare Basalts: Constraints on Magmatic Processes and Mantle Sources
Gleißner P & Becker H

(2023) Zinc and Copper Stable Isotope Fractionation in Lunar Mare Basalts: Constraints on Interior Composition and Volatile Depletion Processes
Florin G, Gleißner P & Becker H

(2023) Origin of Massive Dunites of the Crust-Mantle Transition in the Oman Ophiolite at Wadi Zeeb (ICDP Oman Drilling Project)
Becker H, Weitkamp S, Fleming WL, Kaehne Z, Stammeier JA, Gleißner P, Hoffmann JE, Takazawa E & Koepke J

(2021) Siderophile Volatile Elements in Lunar Rocks – Constraints on Late-Stage Magmatic Degassing
Gleißner P, Salme J & Becker H

(2020) Re-Os and Highly Siderophile Element Systematics of Archean Komatiites from Kambalda (W-Australia)
Gerritzen C, Fischer-Gödde M, Becker H, Münker C, Smithies H & Gleißner P

(2019) Lack of Late-Accreted Materials in Archean Mantle Sources
Archer G, Brennecka G, Gleissner P, Stracke A, Becker H & Kleine T

(2017) Wet or Dry? Compositional Constraints on Late Accreted Material
Becker H, Gleissner P, Li C & Wang Z

(2015) Highly Siderophile Element Fractionations in Apollo 16 Impact Rocks: Origin by Small-Scale or Large-Scale Processes?
Gleissner P & Becker H

(2009) Long-Lived Mesoproterozoic Magmatic Activity in Namibia – Insights to the Origin and Evolution of Anorogenic Igneous Suites
Drüppel K, Gleißner P, Romer R & Gerdes A

(2009) Mantle Source and Crustal Contamination of the Anorthosites of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia
Gleißner P, Drüppel K, Taubald H & Romer RL

(2007) Trace Element Zonation of Plagioclase from the Kunene Intrusive Complex (NW Namibia)
Gleißner P & Drüppel K

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