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All abstracts by Marie-Noëlle Guilbaud in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Causes of Chemical Variations in Monogenetic Eruptions: The Magmatic Evolution of Xitle Volcano, Mexico
Ahmadi J, Widom E, Sanchez R, Kuentz D, Guilbaud M-N, Siebe C, Loocke MP & Jaen AMM

(2020) Las Derrumbadas Volcano: Gas Geochemistry of Promising Geothermal Resources in Puebla, Mexico
Tual T, Gudbrandsson S, Muller E, Guilbaud M-N, Cordier C, Moreira M & Escaré L

(2019) Origin of Bimodal Magmatism in Continental Arcs: The Case of Las Derrumbadas Area, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Guilbaud M-N, Pedroza Aldana KG, Chedeville-Monzo C & Siebe C

(2018) Origin of Compositional Diversity at Volcán Pelado, a Medium-Sized Shield in the Central Part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Lorenzo-Merino A, Guilbaud M-N, Larrea P & Widom E

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