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All abstracts by Steven L. Goldstein in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Importance of PetDB and GeoRoc in Mantle Geochemistry
Class C & Goldstein SL

(2024) The Composition of the MORB Source
Hofmann AW, Class C & Goldstein SL

(2023) Confirming the Non-Chondritic Composition of the Silicate Earth
Hofmann AW, Class C & Goldstein SL

(2023) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Erosional Events Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Kim J, Bowe C, Pena LD, Jaume-Seguí M, Yehudai M, Knudson KP, Franzese AM, Cai Y, Bolge L, Hemming SR, Koffman BG & Goldstein SL

(2023) Neodymium Isotopes along the GEOTRACES GP16 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Wu Y, Basak C, Muratli JM, Pena LD, Bolge L, Haley BA & Goldstein SL

(2023) The Effect of Neodymium-Concentration Changes in Sea Water Mass End-Members on Neodymium-Isotopes at Mixing Locations: A Bayesian Approach
Goldstein SL, Yehudai M, Tweed LE, Ridge S & Wu Y

(2020) Distribution of Neodymium Isotopes along the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Wu Y, Basak C, Muratli J, Goldstein S, Haley B, Pena L & Bolge L

(2020) Reconstruction of the North Atlantic End-Member of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation over the Last 2 Myr
Kim J, Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Jaume-Seguí M & Yehudai M

(2020) The Subduction Influence on Ocean Ridge Basalts and its Significance
Yang AY, Cai Y, Langmuir C, Goldstein S & Michael P

(2019) Systematics of Helium in Deep Earth Diamond-Hosted C-O-H Fluids
Weiss Y, Class C, Goldstein S, Winckler G & Kiro Y

(2019) The Role of Melt-Rock Reaction in Creating Enriched-Morb Mantle Sources
Rampone E, Borghini G, Class C, Goldstein SL, Cipriani A, Cai Y, Hofmann AW, Zanetti A, Fumagalli P & Godard M

(2019) Changes in Glacial Overturning Circulation Structure Based on Neodymium Isotope Measurements from the Cape Basin
Hines S, Hemming S, Charles C, Hall I & Goldstein S

(2019) Distribution of Neodymium Isotopes along the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Wu Y, Basak C, Muratli J, Goldstein S, Haley B, Pena L & Bolge L

(2019) Gone with the (Mantle) Wind: Surprising Hotspot Particle Paths in Tomography-Based Mantle Convection Models
Forte A, Glisovic P, Chauvel C & Goldstein S

(2019) Modes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation from Nd Isotopes
Yehudai M, Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Jaume-Segui M, Kim J, Knudson K, Hartman AE & Lupien R

(2019) A 1.5 Myr History of The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation from Nd Isotopes
Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Yehudai M, Jaume-Seguí M, Kim J, Knudson K, Basak C, Hartman A & Lupien R

(2018) New Zealand as a Potential Source of Mineral Dust to the Atmosphere and Ocean during Glacials
Koffman B, Goldstein S, Winckler G, Kaplan M, Bolge L, Cai Y, Recasens C & Koffman T

(2018) Detrital Calcites from the Sahara: Source of Alkalinity to the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean
Stein M & Goldstein S

(2018) Distributions of Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Wu Y, Goldstein S, Pena L, Anderson R, Hartman A, Bolge L, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H

(2018) Is the Argentinean Loess a Primary Dust Source in the Southern Hemisphere?
Gili S, Gaiero D, Mattielli N, Torre G, Goldstein S, Chemale F & Koester E

(2018) The Deep Ocean Carbon System Across the Mid-Pleistocene
Haynes L, Hönisch B, Farmer J, Clementi V, Ford H, Raymo M, Goldstein S, Pena L, Yehudai M, Bickert T & Lea D

(2018) Inclusions in Diamonds Constrain Thermo-Chemical Conditions of the Kaapvaal Cratonic Mantle
Weiss Y, Navon O, Goldstein S & Harris J

(2018) Cs+ Cation Exchange Wash for Marine Clay Clarifies Provenance Signal & Assesses Cation Exchange Capacity
Babin DP, Simon MH, Hemming SR, Cai MY, Liu T, Goldstein SL, Han X, Haws AA, Johns MA & Lear C

(2018) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation over Time from Nd Isotopes
Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Yehudai M, Jaume-Seguí M, Kim J, Knudson K, Basak C, Hartman AE & Lupien R

(2018) Reconstruction of the North Atlantic End-Member of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation over the Last 1.5 Myr
Kim J, Jaume-Seguí M, Yehudai M, Knudson K, Goldstein S, Pena L & Ferretti P

(2018) Northern Hemispheric Trigger for The Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Yehudai M, Kim J, Jaume-Seguí M, Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Knudson KP & Bickert T

(2018) Droughts and Tropical-Induced Rainfall in the East Mediterranean during Warm Periods
Kiro Y, Goldstein SL, Kushnir Y, Stein M & Lazar B

(2018) A New Look at Crust-Mantle Differentiation
Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Class C

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