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All abstracts by Maureen Feineman in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Boron Loss and Isotopic Fractionation as a Result of Sediment Dehydration during Subduction from Seafloor to Sub-Arc in SW Japan
Do E, Perez S, Chen T-W, Fisher D, Agostini S, Saffer D & Feineman M

(2020) Archean Surface-Derived Contamination in the Plume Source of the Paleoproterozoic Bushveld Large Igneous Province
Bybee G, Hayes B, Magalhães N, Zirakparvar A, Farquhar J, Wu N, Penniston-Dorland S, Feineman M & Leach T

(2019) 10 My of Prograde Metamorphism in the Monviso Meta-Ophiolite: LASS Depth Profiling of µm-Scale Zircon Rims
Garber J, Feineman M, Smye A & Kylander-Clark A

(2018) Crustal-Lithospheric Processes Recorded at the 2.06 Ga Bushveld-Molopo Farms Igneous Complex
Feineman M, Magalhaes N, Penniston-Dorland S & Bybee G

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