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All abstracts by Hilary Emerson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Impact of Cr(VI) as a Co-contaminant on the Adsorption and Desorption of U(VI) in Hanford Sediments Under Mildly Alkaline Oxic Conditions
Doughman M, Katsenovich Y, Gudavalli R, O'Shea K, Emerson H, Szecsody JE, Carroll KC, He X & Qafoku N

(2024) Assessing the Relationship between Spectral Induced Polarization and Geochemical Alteration of Zero Valent Iron during Corrosion
Vincent Z, Thomle J, Qafoku N, Szecsody JE, Day-Lewis FD, Zeng C & Emerson H

(2024) Subsurface Uranium and Technetium Reduction and Sequestration Through Liquid-Phase Chemical Reduction and Sequestration Amendments
Pochampally SV, Emerson H, Hager JR, Snyder MM, Lawter A, Szecsody JE & Mackley RD

(2023) Monitoring the Behavior of Cementitious and Glass Waste Form in Disposal Conditions: Lysimeter Testing
Asmussen M, Meyer P, Thomle J, Emerson H & Smith GL

(2018) Uranium Sequestration with pH Manipulation by Ammonia Gas
Katsenovich Y, Emerson H, Cardona C, Dipietro S & Szecsody J

(2018) Governing Factors of 99Tc Reductive Removal by Zero Valent Iron Materials of a Wide Particle Size Range
Boglaienko D, Emerson H, Katsenovich Y & Levitskaia T

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