All abstracts by Hilary Emerson in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Impact of Cr(VI) as a Co-contaminant on the Adsorption and Desorption of U(VI) in Hanford Sediments Under Mildly Alkaline Oxic ConditionsDoughman M, Katsenovich Y, Gudavalli R, O'Shea K, Emerson H, Szecsody JE, Carroll KC, He X & Qafoku N
(2024) Assessing the Relationship between Spectral Induced Polarization and Geochemical Alteration of Zero Valent Iron during Corrosion
Vincent Z, Thomle J, Qafoku N, Szecsody JE, Day-Lewis FD, Zeng C & Emerson H
(2024) Subsurface Uranium and Technetium Reduction and Sequestration Through Liquid-Phase Chemical Reduction and Sequestration Amendments
Pochampally SV, Emerson H, Hager JR, Snyder MM, Lawter A, Szecsody JE & Mackley RD
(2023) Monitoring the Behavior of Cementitious and Glass Waste Form in Disposal Conditions: Lysimeter Testing
Asmussen M, Meyer P, Thomle J, Emerson H & Smith GL
(2018) Uranium Sequestration with pH Manipulation by Ammonia Gas
Katsenovich Y, Emerson H, Cardona C, Dipietro S & Szecsody J
(2018) Governing Factors of 99Tc Reductive Removal by Zero Valent Iron Materials of a Wide Particle Size Range
Boglaienko D, Emerson H, Katsenovich Y & Levitskaia T