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All abstracts by Tayel El-Hasan in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) From Phosphate Rock to Fertilizer: Metal(loid) Enrichment and Isotope Tracing during the Manufacturing of Mineral Fertilizer
Hill RC, Williams GDZ, Wang Z, El-Hasan T & Vengosh A

(2023) Trace Metals, Radionuclides, and Strontium Isotopes Variations of Global Phosphate Rocks and Fertilizers: Implications for Tracing Environmental Impacts
Vengosh A, Wang Z, Williams G, Hill R, Dwyer G, Duckworth O, Gatiboni L, Schnug E, Sun Y, Bol R, El-Hasan T, Haneklaus S, Bahadir AM, Singh A & Shrivastava A

(2022) Strontium Isotopes and Metal(loid)s Variations in Global Phosphate Ores
Vengosh A, Wang Z, Williams G, Hill R, Dwyer G, Duckworth O, Gatiboni L, Schnug E, Sun Y, Bol R, El-Hasan T, Haneklaus S, Bahadir AM, Singh A & Shrivastava A

(2018) Hazardous Toxic Elements Mobility in Burned Oil Shale (BOS) Ash: The Means for Short and Long Term Solidification
El-Hasan T, Abu-Jaber N & AbdelHadi N

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