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All abstracts by Matthew Ginder-Vogel in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Microbially‐mediated Aerobic Oxidation of Trace Element-Bearing Pyrite in neutral-Ph Sandstone Aquifer Sediments
Roden EE, Haas L, Ginder-Vogel M, Zambito J & Hart D

(2022) Combined 226Ra + 228Ra Analysis in Groundwater by MC-ICPMS
Scott SR, Mathews M, Plechacek A, Krinke G, Populin M & Ginder-Vogel M

(2022) Geogenic Radium Mobilization in the Iron- and Manganese-Reducing Zone of a DNAPL-Contaminated Aquifer
Plechacek A, Hook G, Mathews M, Scott SR, Meyer JR, Parker B & Ginder-Vogel M

(2022) Influence of Humic Acids in the Oxidative Transformation of As(III) by Acid-Birnessite
Nielsen-Franco D & Ginder-Vogel M

(2021) Transport-Reaction Modeling of Particulate Organic Matter and Oxygen Dynamics in Riverbed Sediments
Roden EE, Bulur E, Napieralski SA, Loheide SP, Ginder-Vogel M, Zahasky C, Arntzen E & Ghosh RN

(2018) Contaminant Interactions with Redox-Active Transition Metal (Hydr)oxides
Ginder-Vogel M

(2018) The Limitations of Observed First Order Rate Constants: A Case Study on As(III) Depletion by Mn Oxides
Schacht L & Ginder-Vogel M

(2018) Transformation of Phenolic Contaminants by Environmentally Relevant Manganese Oxides
Trainer EL, Ginder-Vogel M & Remucal C

(2018) Effects of Solution Conditions on Bisphenol a Oxidation by Manganese Oxide
Balgooyen S, Remucal CK & Ginder-Vogel M

(2015) Mechanisms and Kinetics of Organic Contaminant Transformation by Mn(IV) Oxides
Ginder-Vogel M, Balgooyen S, Chhouk B & Remucal C

(2014) Transformation of Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides Under Oscillating Redox Conditions
Ginder-Vogel M, Mejia J & Tomaszewski E

(2012) As(III) Oxidation by delta-Mno2: Kinetics, Mechanisms, and Inhibition
Ginder-Vogel M, Lafferty B & Sparks DL

(2011) Time-Resolved Metal(loid) Reactivity at Biogeochemical Interfaces
Sparks D, Ginder-Vogel M & Landrot G

(2010) Amorphous Magnesium Stabilized Calcium Carbonate
Ryan C, Yaccato K, Ginder-Vogel M & Constantz B

(2009) A Multi-Scale Investigation of the Kinetics and Mechanisms of As(III) Oxidation on Hydrous Manganese Oxide
Sparks D, Ginder-Vogel M, Lafferty B & Parikh S

(2009) Quantification of Rapid Environmental Redox Processes Using Quick-Scanning X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (Q-XAS)
Ginder-Vogel M, Landrot G & Sparks D

(2008) Impact of Mineral Surface Modification on As(III) Oxidation by Hydrous Manganese(IV)
Ginder-Vogel M & Sparks DL

(2005) Reduction and Retention Processes within Arid Subsurface Environments
Ginder-Vogel M, Borch T & Fendorf S

(2005) Insitu Biological Reduction of Uranium within Fractured Saprolite
Ginder-Vogel M, Wu W, Gu B, Carley J, Nyman J, Criddle C, Jardine P & Fendorf S

(2005) Discerning Geochemical and Biogeochemical Metal Reduction Through Gamma Sterilization
Bank T, Jardine P, Ginder-Vogel M, Fendord S & Baldwin M

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