All abstracts by Aditi Chatterjee in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) The Nickel Output to Abyssal Pelagic Manganese Oxides: A Balanced Elemental and Isotope Budget for the OceansFleischmann S, Du J, Chatterjee A, McManus J, Iyer SD, Amonkar A & Vance D
(2021) The Oceanic Budget of Nickel: New Concentration and Isotope Data from Mn-Rich Pelagic Sediments
Fleischmann S, Chatterjee A, McManus J & Vance D
(2019) The Output of Nickel from the Ocean to Reducing Sediments
Chatterjee A, Ciscato ER, Little SH, Severmann S, Mcmanus J & Vance D
(2018) Metal Isotope Signatures in Mn-Rich Pelagic Sediments: Implications for Oceanic Budgets
Little S, Chatterjee A, Ciscato E, McManus J & Vance D