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All abstracts by Tomaso R.R. Bontognali in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) NEXAFS and Raman Spectroscopic Investigations of Proto-Dolomite Mineralization Directly on Carboxylic Functional Groups Derived from Naturally Occurring Exopolymeric Substances (EPS) in Hypersaline Microbial Mats
Diloreto Z, Bontognali TRR, Liu H, Lu X, Sadooni FN, Al-Kuwari HAS & Dittrich M

(2023) Understanding the Role of Gypsum in the Global Sr Cycle Using stable-Sr Isotopes
Kirichenko Y, Rickli J, Bontognali TRR & Shalev N

(2022) Microbial Relics within Gypsum Crystals and their Astrobiological Implications
Dittrich M, DiLoreto ZA, Ahmad M-S, Al-Kuwari HAS, Sadooni FN & Bontognali TRR

(2021) A Comparative Study of Dolomite Formation at Low Temperatures Induced by Natural Exopolymers from Sabkhas and Clays
DiLoreto ZA, Bontognali TRR, Liu H, Lu X & Dittrich MB

(2019) δ26Mg of Recent Dolomites – Dohat Faishakh Sabkha, Qatar
Shalev N, Bontognali TRR & Vance D

(2019) Composition of Exopolymeric Substances (EPS) Associated with Microbially-Mediated High Mg-Calcite and Protodolomite
Aldisi Z, Zouari N, Jaoua S, Al-Kuwari H, Dittrich M & Bontognali T

(2019) Are Decaying Microbial Mats in the Modern Sabhkas of Qatar Niches of Dolomite Formation?
Diloreto ZA, Bontognali TRR, Al Saad Al-Kuwari H & Dittrich M

(2018) Seasonal Changes in Sabkhas: Linking Microbes, Geochemical Conditions and Dolomite Formation
DiLoreto ZA, Bontognali TRR, Al-Kuwari HA & Dittrich M

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