All abstracts by Vickie Bennett in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) The Case for Eoarchean Plate Tectonics and Limited Early Crustal Volumes from Integrated Geologic and Isotopic Observations in Southwest GreenlandBennett V & Nutman A
(2019) Helium Isotope Signatures of the Mantle Transition Zone
Timmerman S, Honda M, Burnham A, Amelin Y, Woodland S, Pearson G, Jaques L, Le Losq C, Bennett V, Bulanova G, Smith C, Harris J & Tohver E
(2019) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Systematics of Tourmaline from the Highly Fractionated Mole Granite, Eastern Australia
Carr P, Bennett V, Norman M, Laker D & Blevin P
(2018) Earth’s Adolescence: Isotopically Tracking the Transition from the Hadean to the Modern Earth
Bennett V & Nutman A