All abstracts by Domingo Aerden in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Rapid Development of Spiral Garnets during Subduction Zone Metamorphism Revealed from High-Resolution Sm-Nd Garnet GeochronologyFarrell TP, Baxter EF, Aerden D, Starr PG & Williams M
(2019) A Rapid Pulse of Garnet Growth and Deformation in the Betic Cordillera, Spain Revealed from Zoned Sm-Nd Geochronology of Spiral Garnets
Farrell T, Aerden D & Baxter E
(2018) Dating Changes in Relative Plate Motion in the Betic-Rif Cordillera Using Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology
Farrell T, Baxter E, Aerden D & Stewart EM