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All abstracts by Caixiang Zhang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) The Influence of Fe-Mn Oxides on the Diffusion Flux of P at Sediment-Water Interface
Zhang C, Xu Y & Fan Z

(2020) The Degradation Behavior of Methylmercury in the Soil Induced by Coexisiting Fe and Cu
Zhang C, Xie M, Liang Y & Zhang Y

(2019) The Influence of Ligands on Soluble Mn(III)-sulfite System for Methyl Parathion
Zhang C, Liao X, Tang M & Yue X

(2018) Enhanced Abiotic Removal of Methyl Parathion Mediated by HA in Aqueous Hydrogen Sulfide
Zhang C, Liao X, Liang Y, Lv Y, Nan C & Tang M

(2017) The Hydrolysis Behavior of Methyl Parathion Absorbed by Various Minerals
Zhang C, Liu Y, Liao X, Lv Y, Nan C, Fan Z, Xie M, Tang M & Wu D

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