All abstracts by Xiaofeng Zang in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Solar UV Synthesis of Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds from N2O and COZang X, Moori K, Udo T, Li Y, Kebukawa Y, Kobayashi K & Ueno Y
(2024) Beyond Formaldehyde: Atmospheric Synthesis from CO2 and CO
Ueno Y, Ito S, Zang X, Isoda K, Yokoyama T, Moori K & Nishiuchi K
(2023) Strong 13C Depletion Induced by Solar UV Photolysis of CO2 and its Implication for Early Mars
Ueno Y, Johnson MS, Schmidt JA, Gilbert A, Kurokawa H, Usui T & Zang X
(2022) Potential Mechanisms to Synthesize Amino Acids from Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Monoxide Through Large Molecular Weight Precursor
Zang X & Ueno Y
(2019) Photochemical Synthesis of Ammonia and Glycine
Zang X & Ueno Y
(2018) Photochemical Synthesis of Ammonia and Amino Acids from Nitrous Oxide
Zang X, Kawade W & Ueno Y
(2017) Inflence of Redox Environment on UV Organic Synthesis
Kawade W, Ueno Y & Zang X
(2017) Experimental Study on Synthesis of Ammonia and Organic Nitrogen Species by Photochemistry on Terrestrial Planets
Zang X, Kawade W & Ueno Y