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All abstracts by Wei-Dong Sun in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Emergence of Modern-Style Arc Magmatism at 2.2 Ga: Evidence from Nb/Ta-Dy/Yb Systematics in Igneous Rocks
Liu H, Wang Y, Deng J & Sun W

(2024) The Ontong Java Plateau Volcanisms and Oceanic Deoxygenation Prior to the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a: Evidence from Mo Isotope
Wu S, Li C, Huang J & Sun W

(2024) The Generation of Hydrogen and Ammonia during the Hydrothermal Alteration of Peridotite
Huang R, Sun W & Shang X

(2024) The Cerium Stable Isotopic Composition of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Zhang Z, Liu F, Zhu H & Sun W

(2024) Ammonia Synthesis in Serpentinization on the Early Earth
Shang X, Huang R & Sun W-D

(2024) Lithium Pegmatites Source from the Weathered Continental-Arc Rocks
Chen C, Yan Q, Zhang R, Jiang H, Wang H & Sun W

(2024) Atypical Seasonality of the Silicon Cycle in the Yellow River Estuary and Bohai Sea Revealed by Stable Silicon Isotopes
Cui Q, Liu X, Wang Z, Sun W, Xiao Y & Sun X

(2024) Potassium Isotope Evidence for Subducted Upper and Lower Oceanic Crust in Ocean Island Basalt Sources
Liu H, Xue Y-Y, Geldmacher J, Wiechert U, Hoernle K, Li W, An S, Tian F, Gu H-O, Sun H, Wang K & Sun W-D

(2019) Lithium Systematics in Arc Magmas: Implications for Li Mineralization
Chen C, Lee C-T, Tang M & Sun W

(2019) Temperature Dependence of Water Solubility in Coesite at 5 GPa
Yan W, Liu X, Zhang Y, Sun S & Sun W

(2019) Emplacement of Magma Batches and Incremental Growth of Igneous Bodies: A Case Study of the Fangshan Pluton, North China Craton
Zhang Z, Ling M & Sun W

(2019) Extremely Light K Isotopes Enriched in Subducted Low-T Altered Oceanic Crust: Implications for K Recycling in the Subduction Zone
Liu H, Wang K, Sun W-D, Xiao Y & Xue Y-Y

(2019) The Magma Engine and the Driving Force of Plate Tectonics
Sun W

(2019) Contrasted Effect of Pyroxene and Spinel on the Production of Molecular Hydrogen (H2) during Serpentinization of Olivine
Huang R, Sun W & Ding X

(2019) Tracing Carbon Fixation by 14C and 13C in a Cold Seep Community in South China Sea
Wang N, Zhou L, Shen C, Sun W, Ding P, Zhu S & Sha Z

(2017) The Production of Molecular Hydrogen and Methane during Serpentinization: Influence of Pyroxene and Spinel
Huang R, Sun W, Ding X & Zhan W

(2017) High Oxygen Fugacities and Porphyry Deposits
Sun W-D, Zhang C-C, Li C-Y, Li H, Li J & Liu H

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