All abstracts by Zachary D. Sharp in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Triple Oxygen Isotopic Systematics of Meteoric Hydrothermal Systems and Implications for PaleoaltimetryChamberlain CP, Ibarra DE, Lloyd MK, Kukla T, Sharp ZD & Sjostrom D
(2019) Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics of Lacustrine Chert
Ibarra DE, Lloyd MK, Kukla T, Sharp ZD & Chamberlain CP
(2019) Sulfur Degassing, Isotopic Compositions, and Oxidation of the Arc Mantle
de Moor M, Fischer T & Sharp Z
(2019) Triple Oxygen Isotope Signatures of Eocene Topographic Development
Kukla T, Ibarra DE, Lloyd MK, Sharp ZD & Chamberlain CP
(2017) S-Bearing Metasomatism of Mantle Eclogites: Constraints from the Kaapvaal Craton and Experiments
Burness S, Smart K, Stevens G, Tappe S, Sharp ZD & Gibbons J
(2017) Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Carbonates: Calibration of the θ-T Relationship
Gibbons J, Sharp Z, Atudorei V & Brand U