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All abstracts by Esteban Gazel in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Light MORB-Like Mo Isotopes in Costa Rican Arc Lavas: Implications for Continental Crust Formation
Rojas Kolomiets E, Sequeira C, Chesnel V, Bizimis M & Gazel E

(2024) Iron in Volcanic Ash: Iron-Specific Mineralogy Explains Solubility
Elliott HE, Gaston C, Blades E, Royer H, Oehlert A, Kukkadapu R, China S, Cheng Z, Lata NN, Buck C, Kollman C, Gazel E, Hornby A, Parham R, Meagher L & Ault A

(2024) Exploring Natural GeoH2 Generation in a Monsoonal Serpentinization Environment
May A, Sánchez-Murillo R, Gonzalez Henao S, Schrenk MO & Gazel E

(2024) Influence of Subduction Component Oxidation State on Platinum Group Element Geochemistry of Arc Magmas
Hwang J, Park J-W, Jegal Y, Gazel E & Hoernle K

(2023) From Source to Surface: Magmatic Timescales and Processes Leading to Eruptions from Red Crater (Tongariro, New Zealand)
Gruender K, Barker S, Rowe M, Conway C & Gazel E

(2022) 90 Million Years of the Galapagos Plume: The Evolution of Lithological Heterogeneity
Soderman CR, Shorttle O, Gazel E, Geist D, Matthews S & Williams HM

(2022) Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in a Long-Lived Subduction Channel
Flores KE, Gazel E, Bonnet G, Martin C, Cai Y, Hemming SR, Hannes BK & Harlow G

(2022) A Re-evaluation of the Al-in-Olivine Geothermometer
Zhang Y, Namur O, Charlier B, Li W, Shorttle O, Gazel E, Jennings E, Thy P & Grove T

(2022) Accounting for Multi-Phase Carbon in Melt Inclusion Bubbles
DeVitre C, Dayton K, Gazel E, Barth A, Plank TA, Pamukcu A, Gaetani G & Monteleone B

(2021) Volatile Characteristics of Central American Geothermal Fluids
Barry PH, Bekaert DV, de Moor M, Labidi J, Gazel E, Nakagawa M, Giovannelli D, Schrenk M & Lloyd K

(2020) Testing Geodynamic Models with Major Elements Geochemistry: Implications for Intraplate Volcanism
Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba A, Ballmer MD, Allison C & Gazel E

(2020) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone at Bermuda: Can Tungsten Stable Isotopes Help Differentiate Recycled Lithologies?
Mazza S, Gazel E & Kleine T

(2019) Phanerozoic Komatiites from a Reservoir at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Gazel E

(2019) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone beneath Bermuda
Mazza S, Gazel E, Bizimis M, Moucha R, Beguelin P, Johnson E, McAleer R & Sobolev A

(2018) The Secular Evolution of the Galapagos Mantle Plume
Gazel E

(2018) Volatile Contents of Bubble-Bearing Melt Inclusions from Klyuchevskoy Volcano (Kamchatka) Determined by Mass-Balance and Experimental Homogenization Methods
Moore L, Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Gazel E & Bodnar R

(2017) Galapagos Plume Terranes – Longevity of Plume Components
Class C, Trela J & Gazel E

(2015) Generation of Continental Crust in Oceanic Arcs
Gazel E, Hayes J, Hoernle K, Holbrook WS & Vance E

(2015) Discrimination of Subduction Components with B and Be Systematics in the Aeolian Island Arc, Italy
Zamboni D, Gazel E, Cannatelli C, Atlas ZD, Lucchi F, De Vivo B & Ryan JG

(2013) Examination of Magma Degassing Paths Based on Melt Inclusions
Bodnar R, Gazel E, Esposito R, Moore L, Steele-MacInnis M & Wallace P

(2013) Serpentinization History of the Santa Elena Complex Peridotites, Costa Rica
Schwarzenbach E & Gazel E

(2012) Contrasting Plateau- and Intra-Oceanic Arc (IOA)-related Plagiogranites, Nicoya and Santa Elena Complexes, Costa Rica
Whattam S & Gazel E

(2012) Calibration of Thermobarometry (T-P) Estimates with H2O and fO2 Data from Melt Inclusions: Results from the Big Pine Volcanic Field, Western USA
Gazel E, Plank T, Forsyth DW, Bendersky C, Lee C-T & Hauri E

(2011) Melting Conditions with PRIMELT: Examples and Future Work
Gazel E, Herzberg C & Asimow P

(2010) The OIB Signature in Central America: Old Lithospheric and Young Asthenospheric Mantle Reservoirs
Gazel E, Feigenson M, Carr M & Hoernle K

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