All abstracts by Tom Raimondo in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Garnet as a Monitor for Melt–rock Interaction: Textural, Mineralogical, and Compositional Evidence of Partial Melting and Melt-driven MetasomatismGoncalves P, Raimondo T, Paquette J-L & Santos de Souza de Oliveira J
(2020) Th–U Powered Metamorphism: Thermal Consequences of a Chemical Hot Spot
De Vries Van Leeuwen A, Hand M, Morrissey L & Raimondo T
(2018) 150 Myr of Episodic Metamorphism, Magmatism and Intraplate Deformation Catalysed by Rehydration and Localised Weakening of the Deep Crust
Raimondo T, Howlett D, Varga J, Morrissey L, Kelsey D & Hand M
(2017) Garnet Replacement Processes during the Amphibolitization of Eclogites
Hyppolito T, Cambeses A, Angiboust S & Raimondo T