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All abstracts by Beñat Oliveira in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) First Natural Evidence of Kinetic Eu Anomalies in the Earth’s Mantle:implications for the Interpretation of Ghost Plagioclase Signatures in Oceanic Basalts
Tilhac R, Garrido CJ, Oliveira B & Hidas K

(2021) Kinetic Fractionation and Extreme Mineral-Scale Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Tilhac R, Garrido CJ, Hidas K & Oliveira B

(2021) Sulphide Inclusions and the Age of Diamond Formation: Does Protogeneity Matter?
Pamato MG, Novella D, Jacob D, Oliveira B, Pearson DG, Greene S, Afonso JC, Favero M, Stachel T, Alvaro M & Nestola F

(2020) A Disequilibrium Reactive Transport Model for Mantle Magmatism
Oliveira B, Afonso JC, Klöcking M & Tilhac R

(2019) Metasomatic Re Addition Overprints Unradiogenic Os in Sub-Arc Mantle
Tilhac R, Schaefer BF, Ceuleneer G, Oliveira B, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY & Grégoire M

(2019) A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach to Trace Element Modelling of Disequilibrium Fractional Melting
Klöcking M, Oliveira B & Afonso JC

(2019) Multiphase Multicomponent Reactive Transport: Disequilibrium Melt-Rock Processes and Geochemical Geodynamics
Oliveira B, Afonso JC & Tilhac R

(2017) Numerical Modelling of Multi-Phase Multi-Component Reactive Transport in the Earth's Interior
Oliveira B, Afonso JC, Zlotnik S & Tilhac R

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