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All abstracts by Amanda Oehlert in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Optimized Method for U-Series Dating of Sedimentary Gypsum Crystals
Sharifi A, Oehlert A, Piggot AM, Reid RP, Suosaari E & Pourmand A

(2024) Iron in Volcanic Ash: Iron-Specific Mineralogy Explains Solubility
Elliott HE, Gaston C, Blades E, Royer H, Oehlert A, Kukkadapu R, China S, Cheng Z, Lata NN, Buck C, Kollman C, Gazel E, Hornby A, Parham R, Meagher L & Ault A

(2023) Impact of Diagenesis on Carbonate Triple Oxygen Isotope Values in the Clino Core from the Great Bahama Bank
Wostbrock J, Swart P & Oehlert A

(2021) Determining the Source of African Dust Transported to the Tropical Atlantic Ocean and its Associated Fe Mineralogy
Barkley AE, Pourmand A, Sharifi A, Oehlert A, Brown C, Kukkadapu R, Bowden M, Panechou K, Prospero JM, Ault A & Gaston C

(2021) Early Diagenesis Effect on Lithium Isotopes in Carbonates
Kalderon-Asael B, Planavsky NJ, Oehlert A, Vitek B & Reid P

(2020) Determining the Source and Associated Fe Mineralogy of African Dust Transported to Cayenne, French Guiana
Gaston C, Barkley A, Pourmand A, Sharifi A, Oehlert A, Kukkadapu R, Bowden M, Panechou K, Prospero J & Ault A

(2017) Determining the Significance of the Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Modern Marine Stromatolites
Oehlert A, Pourmand A, Planavsky N, Suosaari E & Reid P

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