All abstracts by Christopher T Mills in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Investigation of Persistent Environmental Impacts of Legacy Mining in a Remediated Mountain WatershedMorrison J, Mills CT, Campbell KM, Chapin T, Croteau M-N, Kane TJ, Walton-Day K & McGee BN
(2024) Application of Automated Mineralogy to Characterize and Quantify Trace Metal Residence in Fluvial Sediments Impacted by Legacy Mining
Mills CT, Schumacher J, Pfaff K, Morrison J, Stricker C, Kane TJ & Campbell KM
(2017) Microbial and Viral Communities in Wetlands Support Extremely High Methane Emissions and Sulfate Reduction Rates
Dalcin Martins P, Bansal S, Mills CT, Tangen BA, Hoyt DW, Tfaily M & Wilkins M