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All abstracts by Jean-Sébastien Moquet in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) The Si and Li Isotope Signatures of Chemical Weathering in Tectonically Quiescent, Tropical Areas
Guinoiseau D, Bouchez J, Moquet J-S, Calmels D, Martinez J-M, Aniceto K, Filizola N & Lartiges B

(2023) Coupling of Dissolved Silicon and Carbon in Temperate Wetlands
Court M, Moquet J-S, Simonneau A, Freslon N, Bouchez J, Derry LA, Ratié G, Mazeron J & Humbrecht A

(2021) Peatlands as Patchworks of Water-Rock and Water-Peat Interactions: The Case Study of the Frasne Peatland, Jura Mountains, France
Lhosmot A, Steinmann M, Moquet J-S, Gandois L, Binet P, Stefani V, Boetch A, Toussaint M-L & Bertrand G

(2019) Impact of Bacterial Biofilm on Alteration Kinetics
Dejean C, Bouchez J, Moquet J-S, Moreira-Turcq P & Gélabert A

(2017) Sr and Nd Isotopes in Amazon Suspended Matter as Tracers of the Role of Floodplains in Sedimentary Transfer
Moquet J-S, Rousseau T, Roddaz M, Bouchez J, Santini W, Armijos E & Fraizy P

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