All abstracts by Lisa E Mayhew in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Fe-Oxidation, Hydrogen Generation and Microbial Activity in Peridotites Undergoing SerpentinizationTempleton A, Ellison E & Mayhew L
(2019) Fe(II)-bearing Brucite Reactivity during Low-Temperature Serpentinization in Oman
Ellison ET, Mayhew LE, Zeigler SKD & Templeton AS
(2019) A Synthesis of Fe Chemistry of Serpentinites and Serpentine Minerals
Mayhew LE
(2017) Mineralogy and Fe Chemistry in Atlantis Massif Serpentinites
Mayhew LE, Ellison ET & Templeton AS
(2017) Microscale Spectroscopic Imaging of Interfacial Fe Redox Reactions in “Hard-Rock” Systems
Templeton A, Ellison E, Mayhew L & Trainor T
(2017) Coupled Fe, S, N, and CH4 Cycling in Subsurface Serpentinizing Systems
Templeton A, Rempfert K, Miller H, Nothaft D, Ellison E & Mayhew L