All abstracts by Claude Le Milbeau in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Speciation of Pharmaceutical Products and Trace Metals within the Aqueous/Sediment/Colloidal Fractions in a Suburban Watershed with Both Lab-Experimental and Field Approaches (Egoutier, France)Humbrecht A, Simonneau A, Bernier-Turpin G, Thiebault T, Ratié G, Freslon N, Le Milbeau C, Boscardin R, Hatton M & Le Forestier L
(2023) Probing Redox Potential of Clay Minerals Using Organic Contaminants
Chevrier L, Tournassat C, Le Milbeau C & Grangeon S
(2021) Chemical Degradation of Polymers and Additives in Alkaline Solution: Influence of Temperature
Ben Zeineb H, Le Milbeau C, Blanc P, Ollivier P, Andre L & Boussafir M
(2017) Uranium Isotope Composition of Eocene Marine Sediments: Does Organic Matter ?
Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Disnar J-R, Jacob J, Le Milbeau C, Davies M & Cohen A
(2017) Compound-specific δ18O of Triterpenols: Rationale, First Results and Issues
Jacob J, Bariac T, Fléhoc C, Zech M, Le Milbeau C, Landais A & Destandau E
(2017) Organic Geochemistry of Anthropocene Sediments in the Sewer Network of Orléans (France)
Thibault A, Jacob J, Simonneau A, Le Milbeau C, Di Giovanni C, Sabatier P, Reyss J-L, Ardito L & Morio C