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All abstracts by Catherine Lorgeoux in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Low-Temperature Oxidation of River Industrial Deposits: Formation and Mobilisation of Hazardous Pollutants
Balastegui R, Montarges-Pelletier E, Lorgeoux C, Gauthier C & Mansuy-Huault L

(2023) New Lysimetric Experiments to Assess the Effect of the Intensity of Groundwater Table-Level Variations on the Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) in Soils in the Climate Change Context
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P

(2022) Impact of Groundwater Table Level Variations on Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) Remobilization Processes in the Climate Change Context: An Experimental Approach
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P

(2017) Sulfur Cycle and Geological History of the Carnian Evaporites in the Western French Alps as Recorded by TSR
Barré G, Michels R, Strzerzynski P, Truche L, Thomassot E, Cartigny P, Lorgeoux C, Guillot S & Assayag N

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