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All abstracts by Samantha Joye in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Carbon Flow and Microbial Activity in the Hydrothermally Altered Sediment of Guaymas Basin
Zhuang G-C, Montgomery A & Joye S

(2020) Novel Approaches Reveal Unexpected Biogeochemical Dynamics in Extreme Environments
Joye S, Montgomery A, Hunter K, Zhuang G-C & Lapham L

(2019) Flow and Short- and Long-Term Carbon Dynamics at Tidally Impacted Coastal Interfaces in the SE USA
Meile C, Schalles J, Peterson R, O'Donnell J, Bice K, Medeiros P, Di Iorio D, Hopkinson C, Joye S, Stegen J, Goldman A, Thomle J, Danczak R & Whonders T

(2017) Manganese, Iron, and Sulfate Reduction Rates in Terrestrial Carbon-Dominated Siberian Arctic Shelf and Slope Sediment
Brüchert V, Sawicka J, Sun X, Bröder L, Mörth M, Humborg C, Joye S & Samarkin V

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