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All abstracts by Vanessa Hatje in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Impacts of Climate Drivers on Biogeochemical Cycles in Oxygen Deficient Zones
Bourbonnais A, Frey C, Wyatt S, Slomp CP, Casciotti KL, Richardson CM, Paytan A, Sanders T, Varela D & Hatje V

(2022) Rare Earth Elements: Tracers of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes along the Continent-Ocean Continuum. 2022 Gast Lecture
Hatje V

(2017) Anthropogenic Impacts on the Distributions of Rare Earth Elements in Coastal Waters
Pedreira RMA, Hatje V, Böning P & Pahnke K

(2017) Chronology of Anthropogenic Footprint in Todos os Santos Bay
Andrade RLB, Hatje V, Masqué P, Zurbrick CM, Boyle EA & Santos WPCD

(2017) Impacts of the Fundão Dam Failure in the Doce River Watershed
Hatje V, Pedreira RMA, Rezende CE, Schettini CAF, Cotrim G, Marin DFC & Hackspacher PC

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