All abstracts by Lewis Hughes in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Anaerobic Biodegradation and Biotransformation of Ni-Citrate Complexes at Alkaline pHByrd N, Lloyd JR, Small J, Taylor F, Bagshaw H, Hughes L & Morris K
(2019) Halogens in Garnet Eclogites from Western Norway: Implications for Subcontinental Mantle Metasomatism
Burgess R, Hughes L, Quas-Cohen A, Pawley A, Droop G & Cuthbert S
(2017) Halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) in High Pressure Subduction Zone Minerals from the Western and Central Alps
Hughes L, Burgess R, Pawley A, Chavrit D, Lyon I, Tartese R, Droop G & Ballentine C