All abstracts by Christopher Fuller in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Geochemical Speciation and Mineralogy Influences Metal BioavailabilityCampbell KM, Croteau M-N, Fuller C & Cain D
(2014) Oxidative Remobilization of Uranium Following Biostimulated Reduction
Fuller C, Akstin K, Singer D & Fuhrmann M
(2010) Uranium Sequestration during and after Bio-Remediation in Shallow Aquifer Sediments
Johnson K, Fuller C & Davis J
(2005) Nanoparticulate Bacteriogenic Manganese Oxides: Environmental Reactivity and Stuctural Chemistry
Bargar J, Fuller C, Webb S & Tebo B
(2004) Structural Chemistry and Formation Mechanisms of Bacteriogenic Manganese Oxides
Bargar J, Webb S, Fuller C & Tebo B
(2001) Reanalysis of the Schwertmannite Structure and the Incorporation of Structural SO42- Groups: An IR, XAS, WAXS and Simulation Study
Waychunas GA, Myneni SCB, Traina SJ, Bigham JM, Fuller CC & Davis JA