All abstracts by Janet Dewey in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Geochemical Evaluation of Fluid-Rock Interactions between Niobrara Formation and Alkaline Fracturing Fluid during Well Shut In, Denver-Julesburg Basin, CO, USA: A 30-Day Experimental StudyTerry O, Caro D, Dewey J & Kaszuba JP
(2020) Dependence of Amorphous Silica Surface Speciation on Electric Double Layer (EDL) Overlap in Confinement
Copeland G, Jacobson A, Kaszuba J, Dewey J & Risbud S
(2020) Deviations in Point of Zero Charge with Nanoscale Pore Geometries of Synthesized Silica-Based Materials
Jacobson A, Dewey J, Muraleedharan M, Chen C, van Duin A, Copeland G, Kaszuba J, Xia Y, Sen S, Risbud S, Cho H, Deo M, Bartl M & Butt D
(2020) Insight on (Per)chlorate Production, Degradation and Transport: Relevance to Mars
Gure A, Sorenson T, Dewey J, Eggleston C & Parkinson B
(2019) Photoelectrochemical Generation of Perchlorate and Chlorate: Semiconducting Minerals and Mars
Gure A, Sorenson T, Dewey J, Kraus T, Eggleston C & Parkinson B
(2018) Perchlorate on Mars: Hematite and Ilmenite as Photocatalysts
Eggleston C, Sorenson T, Parkinson B, Gure A & Dewey J
(2018) Photoelectrochemical Generation of Perchlorate on Mars: A Photostationary State
Gure A, Sorenson T, Dewey J, Kraus T, Eggleston C & Parkinson B
(2017) Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Interaction with Fracture Surfaces in an Unconventional Reservoir
Zandanel A, Kaszuba J & Dewey J